Sivas Tarih, Sivas Yemekleri, Sivas Gezi, Sivas Turizm, Sivas Resimleri

10 Mayıs 2009 Pazar

Sivas Kongre Muzesi Resimleri, Turizm

Sivas Congress was an assembly of the Turkish National Movement held from 4 September to 11 September 1919 in the city of Sivas, in central-eastern Turkey, that united delegates from all Anatolian provinces of the Ottoman Empire, which was defunct at the time in practical terms. At the time of the convention, the state capital (İstanbul) as well as many provincial cities and regions were under occupation. The call for the congress had been issued by Mustafa Kemal Pasha with his Amasya Circular three months before and the preparatory work had been handled during Erzurum Congress. The congress at Sivas took a number of vital decisions which were fundamentally to shape the future policy to be conducted in the frame of the Turkish War of Independence.

Sivas Paşabahce Piknik Alanı

Sivasımızın güzide yerlerinden olan Paşabahce piknik alanında parklar, bahceler ve spor alanları mevcuttur, ailece piknik yapmak, gezi yapmak voleybol, basketbol, futbol gibi spor alanlarında spor yapmak, için en ideal yerlerden birisidir.
Şelalari, doğal güzellekleri ile modern bir piknik alanı sizleri bekliyor...

Sivas'da Turizm Hareketleniyor!

Sivas'da Turizm Hareketleniyor!
Havaların ısınması, yaz aylarının yaklaşmasıyla Sivas'lı gurbetciler yavaş yavaş memlekete gelmeye başlıyor, Sivas'ta gecen sene yapımı biten yerler, yeni yeni ziaretci cekmeye başlıyor, sırası ile bu yerleri tanıtmaya devam edeceğiz...

3 Mayıs 2009 Pazar

Sivas Çifte Minareli Medrese

Çifte minareli medrese Selçuk Sultanı Alaeddin Keykubad`ın kızı Hundi Hatun tarafından yaptırılmış olan Erzurum`da bulunan bir tarihi yapı. Açık avlulu medreselerin Anadolu`da en büyük örneğidir. Cephede, taçkapı formundan çok çeşme nişleri ile yarım yuvarlak iki payanda vardır. Taçkapının iki yanında yükselen silindirik minareler tuğla ve moazaik çiniler ile süslenmiştir. Taçkapıyı çeviren bitki süslemeleri kalın silmeli panoların içindeki ejder, hayatağacı, kartal motifleri cephenin en gösterişli bölümüdür. Doğudaki tamamlanmış hayat ağacı ile kartal motiflerinin bir arma olmaktan çok, Orta Asya, Türk inanışına kadar uzanan gücü ve ölümsüzlüğü dile getirdiği düşünülür.

Sivas Adının kökeni

Şehrin adı kentin antik dönemdeki adı olan Sebastia sözcüğünün evrimleşerek Türkçeleşmesiyle bugünkü halini almıştır. Sebastia ismi de Yunancada saygıdeğer, yüce anlamına gelir ki, Latince Augustus'un Yunanca karşılığıdır. Bu da Pontuslar tarafından kurulan kentin Roma İmparatoru Augustus onuruna onun ismiyle adlandırıldığına delalet eder.

Halk arasindaki rivâyetlere göre ise Sivas kurulmadan önce ulu ağaçlar altında kaynayan üç pınar varmış. Bu pınar Tanrıya şükür, ana ve babaya minnet ve küçüklere şefkat duygularını ifâde edermiş. Bu üç pınara “Sipas Suyu” denirmiş. Zamanla mukaddes sayılan bu üç pınarın etrâfında küçük bir yerleşim merkezi kurulmuş ve “Sipas” ismi verilmiştir. Diğer bir rivâyete göre ise Sivas ismi eski kavimlerden “Sibasipler”den gelmektedir. Sivas ilk çağlarda Talavra, Megalapolis, Karana ve Diyapolis isimleriyle anılmıştır.

Sivas ismi ile ilgili bir başka rivâyete göre ise, kentin adı Farsçada “üç değirmen” mânâsına gelen “Sebast” kelimesinden gelmektedir; Sebast ismi zamanla halk dilinde Sivas olarak yerleşmiştir

Sivas'ın Yapısı

Sivas, yözölçümü itibariyle Türkiye'nin ikinci büyük ilidir. Toprakları üç bölgeye yayılmıştır. İç Anadolu, Doğu Anadolu ve Karadeniz bölgesinde yer alır. Gerek iklim gerekse doğa koşulları ile bir Doğu Anadolu şehri sayılabilir.

22 Ocak 2009 Perşembe

Kangal Dogs Photos

Kangal Dogs Characteristics

- Intelligence: Intermediate-high level - Trust: should not cause damage to herd and owner - Care: should be interested in and careful to its duty. - Protective: have reactions to foreign people (barking-attacking) - Power: strong enough to stop enemy (wolf-thief) - Speed: speed enough to run after and catch enemy - Brave: should be brave which, in our opinion is the most important one. Because the dog notbeing brave cannot be effective no matter it has the other six characteristics.

Sivas Kangal Dogs

When you study history of Kangal Dogs, you could not find any documents about them. There are several rumors about Kangal dogs; According to one rumor, the dog was derived from lion and tiger during Assyrian and Babillonian periods and were petted in order to provide protection against wild animals and use in wars and were grown up with great care, just like any Anatolian Shepherd Dog.
According to another rumor, the first Kangal was given to the
Ottoman Sultan (Yavuz Sultan Selim or Murat IV) by an Indian Maharajah. The dog fought with the lion in the palace and killed it. Thus the sultan was considerably interested in it. When the army went for an attack and arrived in Kangal Deliktas nearby Sivas, the dog got lost, and that the species of dog in Kangal was derived from this lost dog.
Evliya Celebi mentions this dog describing it as strong as a lion in his inscription in the 17th century. It is believed that the dog was brought to Anatolia by the Ottomans and the Shepherd species in Europe were derived from this species when Ottomans invaded Europe. From Ottoman archives, one can find the dog mentioned as it was grown up with great care.
The long lifespan of Kangal is because of its being loyal friend to farmers breeding sheep and being the best dog species in fighting with wolves. Kangal dogs can do their duties under the harshest
climatic and working conditions, and they don't recognize the meaning of fear. Care and feeding conditions are easier and simpler.

21 Ocak 2009 Çarşamba

Sivas English - Almanya - Deutschland - Germany

Situated at an altitude of 1275 m, Sivas is the highest city of the Central Anatolian Region, and the most mountainous one with the numerous peaks. This uneven land has been the shelter of many tribes, from the earliest ages to more recent periods from which remain many notable monuments.

Sivas being at the junction point of the Persia and Baghdad caravan routes, was once a busy commercial center. During the interval between 1142 and 1171, it was the capital of the Turkish Danismend Emirs. Later, under the rule of the Seljuks, it became a cultural center, with importance given to learning and scholarship; and many related buildings were constructed by the remains of some, can still be seen today

One of the outstanding numerous Seljuk works of art and architecture is Izzeddin Keykavus Sifahanesi, which was "a house of recovery" in those times; in other words "a hospital". It was built in 1217 by the order of the Seljuk Sultan, and its decoration with painted tiles is beautiful.

Gok Medrese (theological school) and Buruciye Medrese, both built in 1271, constitute the best examples of wonderful Seljuk artistic works, while the Ulu Mosque of the Danismend Emirate is another fine historical monument, reflecting a different style. The Cifte Minareli Medrese of the same year, is also noteworthy with its twin minarets rising elegantly on both sides of its ornate portal.

Throughout the long history of the city, the role played by Sivas, during the War of Independence is important in that the National Congress took the decision to fight for the liberalization of Turkey, here, in 1919. The school building used then; is now the Ataturk and Congress Museum; and here, the relevant documents of the congress and war, are on display, together with ethnographical finds and local handicrafts.

165 km southeast of Sivas, is Divrigi, an ancient town, which was once a Byzantine site. By the 12th and 13th centuries, it was the capital of Turkish Mengucek Emirs, and the remains of Ulu Mosque of 1229 and a citadel remain from the period. The Baroque style portal of this magnificent mosque is a real masterpiece of stonework, and this monumental building has been declared by UNESCO to be one of the eminent cultural heritages of the world.
Besides its historical treasures, the city possesses several other specialties, one of which is Balikli Kaplica, an interesting
spa of the town Kangal. It is a thermal spring, filled with tiny fish living in the hot waters, which provides a different type of cure for skin complaints. It is the only cure center in the world for "Sedef Hastaligi" (psoriasis). Soguk Cermik is another spa center. Hafik, Todurge (Zara), and Gokpinar (Gurun) Lakes are some of the interesting places for picnicking, boating and fishing.

Another special characteristic of this town, 68 km south of Sivas, are the world famous Kangal dogs. These sheep dogs have proven their loyalty and success even in the harshest climates such as in this city, and are confidently used in the area of police and military work.
Sivas is also known for its fine
carpets of numerous designs and colors. These locally produced weavings offer a wide variety of choice, and the inherent high quality is not subject to variation.
On March 29, 2006, Total
Solar Eclipse was seen from Sivas as well at 14:06pm local time.

12 Ocak 2009 Pazartesi

Aşık Veysel Müzesi

Sivasımızın ünlü aşığı, büyük ozanımız'ın eşyalarının bulundugu cok güzel bir müze.
Tel: 0346 597 40 02


Sivas El Sanatları

Sivas El Sanatlarında diğer illerimize göre bir adım önde diyebilirim. Halısı, Klimi, Tarağı, Bıcağı her yönüyle güzel süs eşyaları bunlar. Akrabanıza, eşinize hediye edebileceğiniz el işlemeleri, üstünede SİVAS HATIRASI yazdırdınmı tam olur.

Sivas'da etli ekmek keyfi - Essen

Bu leziz yemek Sivas'ın halkının yemek seciminde tartışmasız 1 numara
Kadınlar günlerinde, düğün, derneklerde, cenazelerde, akrabalarla yemek ziyafeti yapmak istediğiniz her anda bu yemeğe kolayca ulaşabilirsiniz. Yapmanız gereken tekşey yanınıza yeteri kadar kıyma alıp size en yakın pide fırının yolunu tutmak. Sıcagı ustunde bu yemeğin keyfini başka birşey veremez.